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Causes of falls among The Elderly and How to Manage Them

Causes of falls among The Elderly and How to Manage Them

Falls rank among the top causes of accidents in seniors over the age of 65. Furthermore, nearly 1 in 3 people over 65 are likely to fall each year and this figure approaches 1 in 2 by the age of 80. This shows that falls in the elderly are quite common.

Falls in the elderly can lead to serious injuries like lacerations, bruising and bone fractures. These injuries are not just financially crippling but they can also threaten the independence and functionality of older people.

So, why do seniors fall more as compared to people below 50? Read on to find out the top causes of falls in the elderly:


The natural aging process puts seniors at an increased risk of falls. As people age, illnesses and physical conditions like poor vision, heart disease, dementia and low blood pressure can affect their strength and balance, thus resulting in falls.


Light-headedness or dizziness is caused by postural hypotension. It relates to standing or changes in posture.

However, dizziness that makes an individual feel like they are spinning is known as vertigo. This condition is common in older people and is also one of the many reasons that make them at a higher risk to falls.


The risk of falls is higher in older people suffering from osteoporosis. Osteoporosis causes thinning and weakening of the bones. Thus, when the bones are weak, it may be difficult for the elderly to walk with complete stability.

Drug Intake

Many seniors suffer from a sense of loneliness, insomnia and depression. To treat these conditions, they are given sedatives and other drugs with benzodiazepines. These drugs have side effects. They can upset your balance and make you unsteady on your feet, thus, increasing the risk of falls. Apart from this, polypharmacy that includes the use of four or more drugs at a time is also associated with an increased risk of falls in seniors.

How to manage and prevent the Risk of falls

Some of the best steps that you can take to keep the elderly from falling are:

• Make sure that the home is well-lit so that they can see everything clearly

• Remove throw rugs and tack down carpet edges

• Install grab bars in the bathtub, toilet area and shower

• Make sure that they wear non-skid soles and not house slippers

The next step is to schedule regular check-ups with the doctor. Make sure to get your loved ones’ eyes checked every year for eye problems like cataracts, vision changes and glaucoma. Also, consult the doctor in case your loved one feels dizzy or unstable.

Apart from that, make some lifestyle changes such as motivate your loved one to get regular exercise as exercise can strengthen muscles and improve stability and control. Also, avoid smoking and limit drinking.

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