CAREGIVING 24/7: Ways to prevents falls and fractures in the elderly
CAREGIVING 24/7: Ways to prevents falls and fractures in the elderly
Physical contact remains to be a no-no for everyone as the pandemic continues. This becomes an impediment in taking care of our elderly loved ones especially the ones who are also suffering from dementia.
Letting them move from one place to another is a crucial part in making sure that they have the much-needed exercise. However, tripping can become a serious issue as “for older people, a break can be the start of more serious problems, such as a trip to the hospital, injury, or even disability.”
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To ease your worries, there are ways on how you can help your elderly loved ones avoid falls and fractures.
- Get a professional caregiver that can be there for them 24/7 – More than anything, a present eye is needed. Since there is already the growing fear of falling among the older adults, this may lead them to avoid necessary activities such as walking or taking part in social activities. With a professional caregiver, they can still conduct these activities with the assurance that there is someone who is there for them as they go about these activities.
- Have their eyes and ears tested – Sensory impairments greatly affect the elderly’s capability to move safely. Make sure that if they need glasses or hearing aid, they are constantly wearing them.
- Medicine side effects should be noted – It is also important that you find out about the side effects of any medicine your elderly loved ones are taking. These side effects may include dizziness after all which can affect their sense of balance.
- Make sure that they get enough sleep – If they are sleepy, it makes them more prone to falling since their concentration will be limited.
- Let them stand slowly – When older adults stand up too quickly, it can lead to a drop on their blood pressure. Monitor the blood pressure levels of your elderly loved ones. With a dedicated caregiver, this will be assured.
- Procure an assistive device if needed – With the pandemic still ongoing, an assistive device like a cane or a walker may be of great help to your elderly loved ones to make sure that they walk steadily. Also, make sure it is the right size and the wheels roll smoothly.
- Spread salt or sand on icy areas – Wet surfaces are extremely dangerous for older adults to navigate. Make sure that you remind your elderly loved ones to carefully navigate these areas.
- Invest in the right footwear – Non-skid, rubber-soled, low-heeled shoes, or lace-up shoes with non-skid soles that fully support their feet are necessary in ensuring their safety from falls.
Our Memory Care specialists can guide you in following these tips and guidelines. Our professional caregivers are available 24/7 to take care of your loved ones. You may reach us at 1-888-896-8275 today.
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